Stoughton Redevelopment Authority (RDA)

The Stoughton Redevelopment Authority, RDA, was created in the Fall of 2007 to focus on improving the downtown and central Stoughton areas especially along the rail corridor. The goal is to eliminate blighted areas, prevent blight from occurring and initiate urban renewal programs and projects.  This will lead to re-investment in under-utilized areas, housing infill, increased tax base and improved quality of life for the community.

The creation and powers of the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority are laid out in Stoughton City Ordinances Chapter 2, Article IV, Division 13 as well as Wisconsin State Statues ยง 66.1333(3).  The Commission is made up of seven members and one alternate appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Stoughton Common Council.

RDA Informational Flyer
Click here for more info.

Revolving Loan Fund
Click here for more info.

Next RDA Meeting
City of Stoughton Calendar
Packets & Agendas

Development Support Information for Taxpayers
Click here for more info.

Stoughton Redevelopment Authority is a proud member of the
Stoughton Chamber of Commerce.